Thursday, January 05, 2006

Stephen Gaghan's Syriana: A Rarely Seen Mostly-Accurate Depiction of Reality

Spoiler Warning: If you haven't seen this movie, then I suggest that you do so and then read this review if you have to. It might contain details from the story that might annoyingly reveal parts of the story.

I've gotten used to Hollywood movies made from the so-called Western point-of-view.
That was until I watched Syriana; and I have to admit it, I did not expect it to be this honest.

What I liked the most about it was of course the fact that it actually showed the United States of America as having clear interests in installing and supporting corrupt leaders in Middle Eastern and neighboring countries for the purpose of extending its empire.

It also transcended the simplistic people-hate-America-because-it-is-the-standard-bearer-of-freedom explanation and actually cared to investigate the socio-economic struggle that goes on behind the condemnable acts of terrorism, showing how deprived people are the ones that can be easily exploited to carry out these activities.

It also exposed the eccentricty of the rulers of such countries that clearly do not take heed from the situation and while possessing all powers, choose not to correct it. However, it also showed how other powers move to annihilate anyone who might wish to improve the situation for their people against their wishes.

I wish for two things to happen from "Syriana," and I know that two opposite things will happen.

One, I wish Muslim rulers, leaders, and public would watch this movie and derive the right lessons from it; while I know that even if they do watch it, they'll slip back into their luxurious lives, petty problems, and silent slumbers.

Second, I wish the American people would watch this movie and understand the true reality of the horrific situation: that it is not just a simple matter of people hating America, things actually happen that make people hate America, and killing them will only increase the problem, let alone solve it. That they should actually move to persuade their elected officials to consider the human situation in these countries more seriously and act accordingly. That by pursuing military actions, they are only providing fuel to the cause of the people who act against innocent civilians. That by making an argument of patriotism, they're allowing the other side to make a similar argument. And that it is time for a serious discussion and dialogue.

But I am almost certain that this will not happen. The movie will make more impact because of its thrill and action. The missile deployment will gain more attention than the fact that it killed someone to make way for oil corporations. The death of a CIA agent (who incidently killed people too) will pull more tears than the self-destruction of a troubled youth.

But then, it was his own fault: Why was he not born in the USA?

Oh and by the way, the whole thing had nothing to do with Syria. I don't know where the name came from. I guess it just sounds cool.

And did I mention that I believe in political action and condemn terrorism in any shape or form? Because I do.


Blogger Wanksta said...

The "Syriana" is a policy wonk speak for the entire Sham/Hijaz region, in general. It's a made up name and has nothing to do with Syria, other than sounding somewhat sophisticated and cool. In actuality, it's arbitrary and arrogant.

1/11/2006 9:00 AM  

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